Paint Shop by Robert Voit Version 1.12 Paint Shop is a Windows 3.0 program. Paint Shop will allow you to display pictures, alter them and save them. Menu Items: File - Open - allows you to select file to be displayed. Save as - allows you to select the file format and a file name for the displayed picture to be saved as. Exit - Ends Paint Shop. Edit - Copy - copys a marked area to the clipboard. (mark an area by moving the cursor to the beginning point to be copied within the picuture area, press and hold down the left mouse button, move the cursor to the ending point to be copied. Release the left mouse button. Your area should now be marked.) Paste - copys a Device Dependent Bitmap from the clipboard to Paint Shop. Alter - Flip - Flips the picture vertically. Mirror - Flips the picture horizotally. Rotate Right - Rotates the picture to the right. Rotate Left - Rotates the picture to the left. Stretch/Shrink - Allows you to select the size of the picture. Trim - makes the marked area the current picture (see Copy for comments on marking). Help - Help - Displays information about how to register Paint Shop. About - General information about Paint Shop. Acknowledgements: OS2: OS2 is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation. Windows: Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation. Paintbrush, PCX files, BMP files: Paintbrush is a trademark of ZSoft Corporation. PCX and BMP files are products of Paintbrush. (not sure if they are trademarks or Service Marks) GIF files: The Graphics Interchange Format(c) is the Copyright property of CompuServe Incorporated. GIF(sm) is a Service Mark property of CompuServe Incorporated. For further information, please contact : CompuServe Incorporated Graphics Technology Department 5000 Arlington Center Boulevard Columbus, Ohio 43220 U. S. A. GIF files: There are 2 versions of the GIF file formats 87a and 89a. Paint Shop supports (can display) both versions. Paint Shop will always SAVE AS a version 87a. When saving as a gif file format I find no advantage to creating the new version 89a. PCX files: PCX files come in 4 different versions. Paint Shop supports version 5. Version 5 is the version that Paintbrush (that came with Windows 3.0) reads and writes. Paint Shop will always produce a version 5, 256 color picture. This is not to say that your picture will have 256 colors, but rather it will produce a file that has a palette capable of holding 256 different colors. Some viewers will see this as the number of unique colors within the picture. This is not correct. There is room for 256 colors, but not necassarly 256 unique colors. As an example, if you convert a black and white GIF file to PCX the resulting PCX will have room for 256 colors, but the picture will still be black and white. BMP and RLE files: BMP and RLE files come in 2 formats (Windows and OS2), within each format there are three types of compression routines. Paint Shop supports the Windows format. Paint Shop will read a BMP or RLE file with any of the three compression types. Paint Shop will write a BMP using RGB (no compression). Paint Shop will write a RLE using RLE8 (8 bit compression routine). SHAREWARE: Paint Shop is user supported software. You may use it for a free ten day trial period. If you find this program useful, please license the program by sending $25.00 ($26.50 for Minnesota residents) to: Robert Voit 17743 Evener Way Eden Prairie, MN 55346 CIS-72557,256 PRODUCT SUPPORT: Registered users may obtain support by contacting Robert Voit at the above address or CompuServe number. FUTURE PICTURE FILE FORMATS: More file formats will be supported in the future, provided that Paint Shop is adequately supported. If there is a file format that you would like to see supported please send me a note when you register Paint Shop. The formats that are requested the most will be the first ones to be added.